Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Movie night for a change

Movies have the capability to save people.


Apparently my therapist was right and I do expect too much of myself. I've been down here for two weeks now. I'm not sure what all I expected to achieve in this time-frame, but it seems to be my nature to always expect more from myself. In reality I've not done much, just some emails and meetings and watching a bunch of tv. Tonight I went out of the house and saw a movie.

I went to the movie theater alone, a pilgrim in a strange land seeking solace in the temple of film. I saw The Change Up. A good film. A bit disgusting at times, but a great heart that moved me. I left there and I felt lighter, like what you're supposed to feel like after an afternoon special or what you want to feel like after eating three full pieces of cheesecake. It was just a movie, an experience of life through other people being other people. It worked for me. Yeah, I've been here two weeks and I've done a few things, namely I changed my entire life to focus on this one thing I have a deep passion for. So yeah. Little things. That kind of experience, the change of my perception, even if for a short time is a hint of the true power of storytelling.

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