Monday, September 5, 2011

Living life Han in Solo

Apparently I am much more of a social creature than I originally thought I was. That, and I don't have a full-time job eating up a lot of my the moment, anyway. I miss being able to call people up and hang out with them, apparently that is something I got very accustomed to. Even if everyone was busy I generally had family I could go visit (that's right, friends and family fall in different categories for hanging out-surprised yet? No? Hm...makes sense).

I'm sure I'll get back to that place soon, where I actually know people and want to go do things with them. I was trying to figure out why it seems so much harder than New Zealand where I knew basically nobody at first, but I think it was just as hard, I simply forgot about it. I spent a lot of time on my own there. Though the big difference between LA and NZ is that I walked around pretty much every day in NZ (partially to get out of the house, but also) to explore, where as LA is usually too hot for me to want to do that.

My friend Graham moved to Dayton, Ohio for ROTC four years ago and I went to his wedding last month, so it clearly went well for him. Perhaps keeping the long game in mind will help.

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