Today started with crappy traffic into LA, which was expected and I was right on time to my audition class (a 5 hour class twice a week). This was class 2 of 8. Tuesday was the first day and it was some really emotional monologue that I did not fully connect with, so I felt like a terrible actor which carried into yesterday's improv. Today went well. I connected with the scene immediately and I think I really kicked it out of the park. It was semi-emotional, but had some comedy and flirting along with it, basically, my kind of thing.
With good acting mojo I took off across town to mark something off my list of 90 free things to do in LA to make sure I don't stay locked in my room and cry all day. I spent a couple hours exploring the Griffith Observatory. It's a pretty neat place.

Here I am chilling with Einstein. If I remember correctly, he's the one taking the picture with my phone. I think I look angry because he refused to look into the camera.
Here is a view of LA in its smoggy glory from the outside of the observatory.
That effectively checked #12 off of my list of things to do in LA.
After that I cruised around looking for the cheapest gas station and then I ended up thinking I was marking another thing off my list, but apparently only adding it to the list to immediately mark it off. I was convinced that "Eat in Little Armenia" was on my list. Apparently I confused Armenia for Ethiopia. So now I still have #26 Little Ethiopia on my list, but I added and marked off #92, "eat in Little Armenia" from my list. I found a great restaurant "Carousel Restaurant" (On the corner of Hollywood and Normandie) and had a friggin' huge meal. Here is a picture of the aftermath I left behind.
A lot of great food. Also a waitress I almost asked out, but then I realized I'm an idiot and just left...though she did suggest another meal I might really enjoy if I came there's still a chance for me to go there, see her again, order food, eat, pay my bill and wuss out and leave again! (fingers crossed)
To top off the evening I went to a special fundraiser show "Cancer Can Blow Me" at the UCB Theater hosted by Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman with so many guests, including Ed Helms, David Cross, Adam Scott, tons of others, but the biggest surprise of the evening for me was when Russel Brand took the stage. And he took it!
I want to take a moment and explain something. I have viewed Russel Brand in the past as a big child and did not find him especially funny and was otherwise unimpressed with him as a comedian. After seeing him tonight, I can see that yes, he is indeed a giant child, but he is the most intelligent, hilarious, ridiculously brilliant giant child I have ever seen. He made me want to devote the next ten years of my life to stand up comedy, knowing that I will never be anywhere near as funny and brilliant as him. He achieved that state by mocking a pregnant woman, dumping the complete contents of her purse on the stage, entering a long improvised Shakespearean diatribe on the nature of language, culture and meaning and making up a hilarious song to balance out the mental anguish he caused for the pregnant woman.
That performance was cast live on the internet and can be viewed soon by all somewhere on You can probably search "Cancer Can Blow Me" and it will come up. If I come across it, I will definitely post the link. It was a ridiculous show and a great finisher to my day.
I know it doesn't sound like much here, but my day started with my baby steps toward my own future stardom, moved on to viewing the stars in the sky through telescopes and finished with comedy stars in front of me making me laugh. Now all I need are the rest of those damn Lucky Charms and I'll be golden!
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