Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I just don't get it...whatever "it" is

I don't think I really understand things. Not how they work or why they work or anything.

I "get" stuff intellectually, like with acting: it's experiencing honestly in the moment a given reality. I get that. Though when I do it and watch what I did, I'm just not sure about it at all. I don't even know if I did it properly or not. When I watch other people in a classroom setting act, or watch the video of them acting...I can sometimes see the glaring things that don't work...but other than that, I think I'm lost. I just don't get when things work and why, or even if they worked. How is that even possible? It's like discovering all of a sudden that I'm colorblind. I just don't see some things that are apparently self-evident. This goes for pretty much everything, because if I'm just not getting the basis for human interaction, I think I'm completely lost in anything business related.

So that was my revelation today...that I just haven't figured out how to see yet, or anything at all.

Maybe another analogy will work. It's like I've been using the finest sand paper I could find to smooth out something I whittled. That's right-whittled. Though I just discovered that what I thought was the finest was actually the coarsest one out there.

On second thought...let's go with no analogies, they get tiring after a while.

In conclusion, my tummy hurts where my brain is. Good day.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's cool that you clearly get that you don't get it...
